100 Open Startups and Sicredi form a partnership to foster open innovation

100 Open Startups
3 min readMay 26, 2022

Focused on fostering innovation, generating benefits for its processes, products and employees, Sicredi, a cooperative financial institution with more than 5.5 million members, closed a partnership with 100 Open Startups, the main open innovation platform in the country. The project’s focus is to reinforce Sicredi’s interaction with the innovation ecosystem by creating challenges for startups and, at the same time, promoting the training of its employees on the subject.

The initiative is based on the use of the 100 Open Connection Platform, through which the interaction between Sicredi and startups will take place. Through the platform, employees of the structures that make up Sicredi throughout Brazil will be able to register business challenges or processes and they will be integrated into a connection system with startups, allowing interested companies to register solutions. The communication flow between Sicredi employees and startups will also be carried out through the Portal, in order to connect them for feedback, advice and mentoring during the process.

Employee qualification will be carried out through an immersion journey in the 100 Open program called the 100–10–1 Mentorship Program, which will last one year and will be divided into three stages of engagement. In the first stage, the objective is to get to know the ecosystem and assess the potential of at least 100 startups relevant to the profile of the participating collaborator, the second is to test their skills, offering advice to those classified as high potential and the third is to develop a closer relationship. in depth as a startup mentor.

“Innovation is a fundamental element in our vision of the future and this partnership gives us the benefit of connecting to a well-established channel of interaction with startups, at the same time promoting the improvement of our employees’ knowledge about open innovation”, says Rodrigo Severo, Innovation Specialist at Sicredi.

“The big difference is that Sicredi is a cooperative institution with national operations and one of the challenges is training people so that everyone has the skills to extract value through open innovation. It has been a work based on the democratization of open innovation and this care reflects the importance of training for a positive reputation in the innovation ecosystem”, comments Daniel Vasserman, head of Sales & Service at 100 Open Startups.

About Sicredi

Sicredi is a cooperative financial institution committed to the growth of its members and the development of the regions where it operates. Sicredi’s management model values ​​the participation of more than 5 million associates, who play the role of business owners. With a national presence, Sicredi is present in 25 states* and the Federal District, with more than 2,000 branches, and offers more than 300 financial products and services (www.sicredi.com.br).

*Acre, Alagoas, Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Paraná, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Sergipe and Tocantins.

About 100 Open Startups
100 Open Startups is the pioneering and leading open innovation platform in Latin America, whose mission is to transform the market and society through innovation through collaboration between companies and startups. Since 2008, it has organized the Open Innovation Week — Oiweek, a community that brings together more than 150,000 professionals and, since 2016, it has published the Ranking 100 Open Startups, which monitors the evolution of open innovation practice and rewards leading companies and startups. The digital platform has already facilitated more than 1 million interactions that resulted in the registration of more than 40 thousand open innovation agreements and R$ 3.5 billion in contracts between startups and corporations. Currently, there are more than 20,000 startups and 6,000 corporations participating in the platform.

