Hub Business Hub Connect by 100 Open Startups at FINIT 2018

100 Open Startups
2 min readDec 3, 2018


After much anticipation about #VaiTerFINIT or not, it had a lot of FINIT with 100 Open Startups and was a success!

On November 27 and 28 took place in Belo Horizonte, at FINIT Festival 2018, the Hub Connect Business Arena by 100 Open Startups, an entrepreneurship initiative jointly with Hub Minas Digital.

How Arena Works

The Arena had a stage and officials who talked all day about the rise of startups and the relationship between big business and innovation.

The 100 Open Startups was also present organizing the already established dynamics of Speed-Dating in the Hub Connect by 100 Open Startups, with business rounds between startups and big companies.

The partnership between the 100 Open Startups and the FINIT festival has been taking place for 3 years and has significant numbers. Only in 2018 do we have the presence of 150 startups and technologies and also 50 companies open to innovation, in a total of more than 2,900 meetings requested between them. Only in FINIT 2018 were 303 new businesses started through our meeting platform.

This year we also saw the launch of 54 innovation challenges by participating companies, where Corps advertises internal issues in which solutions are sought, and interested startups can apply to resolve them.


After the second day of the event, we know the most attractive startups in the vision of the companies present. The two most received matches during the dynamics also had the opportunity to pitch for members of the Shark Tank program, Robinson Shiba and Camila Farani.

Check out the highlights among the startups:

Featured Open Startups

# 1 — EuNerd

# 2 — VG Waste

# 3 — ENACOM

The companies that registered the most matches also gained prominence. Are they:

Featured Open Corps

# 1 — Usiminas

# 2 — Hermes Pardini

# 3 — Accenture

We would like to thank all the other participating companies: Cedro Textil, CIT UFMG, Drogaria Araújo, FUNDEP, BAMAQ Group, SUGGAR, VALE, VLI, CSU, Accenture, Cemig, Comgás, Atlas Schindler, Grupo Oncoclínicas, Hermes Pardini, Natura, Aquila, Arcelor Mittal, Mineira, USIMINAS, Directional, Globalbev, Pyramid Group, LAFAETE, Master Tourism, Mater Dei, MRV, Ultragaz, PRODAP, Rehagro, SNEF and TMF Fertilizers.

What’s next

Our next meetings will be held at Oiweek SciBiz from February 24 to 28, 2019 in São Paulo, and at eMegre Americas on April 29 and 30, 2019 in Miami. We wait for you!

