100 Open Startups
4 min readMay 8, 2020

Ranking brings startups closer to investors

In the last four years, the number of enrolled startups dedicated to mobility has grown by almost 800%, from 153 to over 1,200

The 100 Open Startups movement brings together more than 2,400 medium and large companies. Art: Media Lab Estadão.

In the last decade, urban mobility has come to be discussed more frequently around the world, including in Brazil. New modes, solutions and services and transport have become part of the lives of an increasing number of people, transforming the way we move from one point to another.

Behind each innovation there is a startup and one of the ways to measure the evolution of this theme in society is by the growth in the number of companies dedicated to the development of solutions for mobility.

The Ranking 100 Open Startups 2020 , which is led by the 100 Open Startups movement, an open innovation platform for large companies and investors to co-create new businesses, has registered a significant increase in the number of entries in the Mobility category every year.

Giddy growth

If, in the 2017 edition, there were 153 companies registered with solutions for this segment, in this year’s edition, whose registration deadline ended on April 30, there were 1,262 startups registered in a partial count made at the request of Mobilidade , which represented a growth of 784% ( see the table below for the evolution of this number over the last editions ).

“Over the years, we have seen this issue emerge, as well as an increase in the number of startups dedicated to this segment. All of this reinforces its potential and importance to society ”, observes Bruno Rondani, CEO of 100 Open Startups.

Source: Movimento 100 Open Startups.

Ranking overview

With the participation of startups and large companies engaged in the Brazilian innovation ecosystem, the ranking is consolidated as the main source for companies and investors who are looking for the most attractive startups for their business. “Attractiveness is measured by means of objective criteria, linked to established and validated business relationships,” explains Rondani.

Published since 2016, the list considers the score of each startup according to the business relationships established with large companies in the last 12 months . Everything is punctuated by the platform: commercial contacts are validated by the executive responsible for the contract, ensuring the reliability of the results.

Patrick Rocha, founder of VTEX Tracking: “We have already received two rounds of investments participating in the ranking and last year we were bought by VTEX. It is an unprecedented initiative in Brazil and the way companies validate startups is very reliable. ”

Currently, the movement brings together:

  • More than 2,400 medium and large companies,
  • 12 thousand active startups,
  • 2 thousand angel investors,
  • 130 universities and
  • 16 thousand executives who collaborate to categorize registered proposals.

$ 600 million in investments

During its entire trajectory, more than 7,800 businesses were established between nascent companies and corporations and more than $ 600 million in investments raised by 410 program startups.

“This year, we decided to add some special categories to the ranking, based on the observation of the developments that we are experiencing as a society. We have included important themes that demand our reflection and action, such as social innovation, accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities, senior entrepreneurship and female entrepreneurship ”, adds Rondani.

The official award will take place during the fourth edition of Whow !, a recognized innovation festival that will be held in São Paulo, between 7 and 9 October.

Bruno Rondani, CEO of 100 Open Startups: “ The evolution in the number of startups dedicated to the theme of mobility, transport and logistics demonstrates the maturity of the theme in society.”

Covid-19 Challenge

Since the beginning of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, the 100 Open Startups movement started to receive demands from companies seeking solutions for the new configuration of society, with a large part of people in social isolation. Among these needs, transport, logistics and mobility in general appear strongly.

“We decided to open the platform also for those who are not members, providing a field, which we call the Covid-19 Challenge , to help society in this delicate moment”, says Rondani.

It works as follows: companies, government and civil society can participate, send their need or challenge and the platform shares with its community of startups. Within 24 hours, a list of mapped and ranked solutions is available and, from there, companies can proceed with the implementation of the actions.