Reward to inspire: how to implement recognition strategy within your corporation

100 Open Startups
3 min readMar 16, 2022

Rewarding, whether internally or externally, directly impacts the cultural behavior of corporations, as well as the consolidation of open innovation processes

Recognition through awards is the 4th Pillar of transformation that we use in the Open Culture Movement for Innovation .

Rewarding directly contributes to empowering employees , as well as showing the team who are those who really follow the corporation’s principles and values. Therefore, engaging and reinforcing this action is of paramount importance in consolidating cultural transformation .

How to create the reward strategy

There are several ways to recognize and reward employees. Not always, rewarding means allocating resources for product purchases or making the famous “employee of the month”. Working internally on what the award represents with employees is one of the first steps and, from there, comes the work of thinking about the strategies that make the most sense for your organization.

Disney, for example, uses a system where colleagues recognize each other , based on the identification of cultural principles in everyday life, based on behaviors and deliveries, the so-called “Four Keys”. Other companies carry out this recognition based on the indication of employees in an internal vote, for example.

We separate two other award models, one internal and one external, carried out by 100 Open Startups . Check out:

Internal Award

In 2021, we created the Ranking Juntos Somos 100 Open , which recognizes our employees based on their engagement in various cultural actions throughout the year, such as the recognition of colleagues based on our culture principles, in addition to their presence in internal training. , application of feedbacks, participation in our Oiweeks and carrying out Speed-Datings.

According to Rafaella Vieira, Marketing and Communications Analyst, awarded in the TOP 1 General and TOP 1 in the Marketing and Communication area, “Ranking Juntos Somos 100 Open is an initiative that promotes engagement and alignment between teams, creating an environment of more collaborative, light and welcoming work”.

In all, nine employees were awarded in the Ranking. With the positive results, the initiative goes to its 2nd Edition in 2022.

external award

Thinking about the transformation of the innovation ecosystem as a whole, since 2016, the Ranking 100 Open Startups recognizes the leading corporations and startups in open innovation in Brazil.

In addition to fostering the culture of open innovation, the Ranking contributes valuable data on the practice of Open Innovation with Startups in the country, allowing a deep analysis and assertively guided by the market.

Open Innovation with Startups more than doubles each year, and there are no signs that this growth will stop anytime soon, highlighting the importance of an open culture for innovation. In the Panorama study of Open Innovation between Corporations and Startups in Brazil | 2016–2021 , we identified the main insights into the practice of open innovation in Brazil, based on data from the Ranking 100 Open Startups.

In the 2021 Ranking edition, Ambev was featured among corporations, winning the TOP 1 overall, totaling 1493 points, and the TOP 1 in the Consumer and Food Goods category!

Among the startups, there is also a double from Rede Parceiros ! The startup won the TOP 1 overall, totaling 1,166 points, and the TOP 1 in the MarTechs category.

Recognition, whether carried out internally or by agents of the innovation ecosystem, is very important to consolidate an open culture for innovation , because from these “models” of behavior and actions, companies, startups and people from the internal team will have a example and cultural behavior expected by their organizations, as well as inspiring those around them to strengthen their culture of open innovation .

Ah, if you haven’t read about the other pillars of the Open Culture Movement for Innovation, visit:

In the next article we will talk about Sustaining the Pillars of Culture: Leadership!

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